Why I Like To Blog

Dec 10, 2020 | Blog

Written By Gerald

A question I get asked often is “Why I Like To Blog?” And the answer is simple: because I like to share. Yes, blogging is a student’s first writing platform, and yet they love sharing and linking with others on their favorite topic so much that it almost no longer feels like an assignment.

In fact, many bloggers are actually just students themselves in the real world. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) urge teachers to use technology in the classroom and require schools to have teachers write for multiple audiences and for a variety of purposes, which mean bloggers are needed in this part of the teaching profession. If you’re a blogger, you already know this. But what does this have to do with blogging and creating a successful blog? Are you creating blogs to earn money, or are you creating blogs to share a passion with others? There is a big difference.

Some people blog to make money. They blog for profit, using advertisements on their sites to draw in visitors. This means there is a need for content in all blog posts. Yet another reason why some bloggers create blogs to make money, is because it’s easy to attract sponsors (that’s why companies outsource their blogs to blogging teams). For example, someone may be a freelance writer that writes blog posts to promote their products; then a company outsource the blog posts to a blogging team and the company will use those blog posts to promote their product, earning the writer a portion of the profits from the product.

However, I believe the reason why some people blog for profit and others simply enjoy it is because there is a balance. It’s a bit of both. On one hand, it takes work to find your niche (the subject of your blog topic) and to promote your niche (your blog topic). But it also takes time to create quality blogs. Once your blog topic is known by others, it becomes easy to find an audience for your posts.

When a blogger begins blogging, he or she may feel as if their blogs are not getting much traffic. In fact, this can be true at first. But if a person takes the time to create quality, interesting blogs and then makes them stand out, there is a good chance that people will start noticing them. This leads to the readership, which is the key to successful blogging.

Some bloggers get their information products from an outside source such as their own research. However, others choose to write their own articles (called autoresponders). Still others choose to get material from other people blog their topics. Whatever the case, blogging takes time to establish a reputation and therefore a steady stream of followers.

Another benefit of blogging is that it is free to explore topics, post articles, and link back to your site. As you can imagine, this provides a wonderful opportunity to attract traffic. The more that your blog posts get read, the more chance that your site will rank higher in the search engines.

Once a blogger has started blogging, there are a number of other ways to make the process easier. There are a number of different software programs on the market that can help a blogger with the task of maintaining and optimizing his or her blog. There are also a number of bloggers who chose to take this journey themselves. In order to accomplish this, they must get out a pen and paper and literally scratch out everything they need to know about blogging. The more they learn about blogging, the more likely they are to start blogging themselves.

Written By Gerald


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